Monday, May 23, 2011

Midlle Age - A man's new venture

Middle-age for many suggests a settling into a life course. For some, it is their first experience with solitude possibly resulting from divorce or the end of a long romantic involvement dating back to High School or College days.

While others anticipate and navigate it with aplomb, throwing parties involving people from the decades lived, taking a sabbatical to delve into a question long held their fascination, or plumb inner selves.

Carved paths include: raising a family, coming to full stride in their small family business, climbing within the corporate hierarchy, or retreating to memories of what was their youth. Experiences and emotions run the gamut.

What if you skewed these well-worn paths? How do you measure your accomplishments? How do you speak of your worth? Recalling early ruminations on what will be my legacy (prose written and read on this very topic).

Trite sayings, marching to a different drummer; literary reference taking the road less traveled were mantras of earlier generations. It is a new chapter, moving towards s'aging with grace.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Context - being single

As the introductory post to the re-booted blog, the salient points of single hood for a middle aged, unattached, achieving and self-propelled among us maybe of interest to the reader.

The day to day of single-dom is unlike how it is conceived by many friends who are partnered, with children, or those responsible for their aging parents or other family members.

Primarily, they envision all the pluses: solitude, social and cultural life peopled by "interesting" habitué, dining and enjoying what the city offers, determined by a time going beyond the mere 24 hour day, and lack of tether. Bound only by how far you wish to exercise a sense of freedom.

The un-single perhaps may not grasp, flying solo also means: meals for one, which by all accounts implies plenty of reheated leftovers or cereal and oatmeal constituting sustenance. Or when waking in the dead of night, from a bad dream, in screaming out, and there is no one there to hear your cry or to shake you back to your senses. Then there are those times, when one is casting about your apartment (puttering) trying to figure out where something is, and no one yelling "you left it at that drawer by the sink." Such are some of the actualities for a single man.

The blog is not to recast notions of what single life is, simply to expand how it is dreamed of.

Monday, May 16, 2011


I've been considering re-engaging with the chronicle. Something along the lines of less frequency in posting, yet, articulates learning, insights and the joy and challenges of living.

In my head, I hear:
-- write about something you know about
-- allow for a range of feelings to come across
-- use the medium as a creative outlet
-- mirror/reflect on what is around you and affects your day

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Mid May 2011

Months have passed since I last visited with my blog spot.

An eventful year so far: took on a full time work gig as Project Director of 2 five year prevention grants back in February; writing articles for peer reviewed journals from project data collected prior to September 2010; the end of a three year relationship; and accept the inevitable change likely to happen with my current housing which can mean another relocation.

Transitions seem constant, change manifesting itself, the principal plot in life's narrative.

The current iteration of my home, in place for the November apres Turkey dinner, is the most aesthetically suited to my current sensibility. The studio is open and also discreetly private. The artifacts, stories revolving around past friends, lovers, and folks who have an intimate sense of the evolving me.