Friday, April 05, 2013

Spring Cleaning 2013

With April weather being inclement so far (gray, overcasts, occasional showers and thunderstorm popping up out of nowhere), I began to contemplate closet cleaning as a weekend activity.

The unimaginable thought of doing away with a substantial number in articles of clothing is both amusing and daunting.

First, if you don not known this about me, I was/am a clotheshorse. An example, I have two wardrobes which are seasonally focused, and I rotate them between numerous suitcases, plastic bins and the closet. Second, I need to learn to become unattached to what was and is a material expression of my individuality and "middle class-ness" symbols of a certain station in the social order. Do you know of others who own a tuxedo, fur coat, leather pants?

There is the Spring/summer wardrobe of linen trousers and shirts; patterned and vividly colored short and long sleeve button shirts; lightweight layering sweaters and Sport coats (many also in linen). Fall and winter wardrobe, not surprisingly comprise of more sweaters; subdued colors for long sleeve shirts; and trousers bordering on bland (browns, blues, black) mainly lightweight wool with a few that are heavier for those trips to the East Coast.

And of course there are the accessories: kerchiefs, scarves, hats, gloves, shawls, etc. some in leather, most in silk or cotton blended with cashmere. In addition, there are various coats and jackets. I also collect vintage suits (40’s, 50’s, military –Naval) for those occasions that calls for more flair and style beyond the basic black suit. Did I mention shoes? I have to say, that penchant for acquisition is well curved.

My first thought was get rid of “ugly clothes.” What constitutes ugly clothes, I mused, hmmm!:

A) Makes me look fat;

B) Makes me look in poor health because of the object’s color (pasty);

C) What was I thinking!;

D) Clothes that are clearly out of season (years of idleness);

E) Poor or ill-fitting, now in the era of “slim fit;”

F) Its own category pleated pants or pleated anything, but definitely pleated pants –though arguably it can be said this can also make you look fat. For me, who needs to look “hippy” and not the 60’s version;

G) Clothing that are made of unnatural materials (they cling, they itch, they ride up, just all wrong)

H) It cannot be part of an ensemble that would subtly indicate being tasteful or stylish. better yet dapper.

I) Perhaps the hardest of category are items that hold a story.

What to do with these pieces? This is where I falter, save it for the next trip to the Philippines, store it for the next garage sale, or I could get money if I sell it on EBAY! You get my drift, reasons for not doing away with it. I envisioned once to have a clothes swap with fellow sized XS or S, this would mean not ridding myself of clothes, just trading.

This time I resolve to bring it directly to the Goodwill or Saint Vincent de Paul, now that I have a station wagon which can be filled with plastic bins to be expressly dropped off at its next haunts. Wish me luck; I will post updates and pictures (before and after) because this is the another way I will be prompted to get it done. Feel free to check in with me either on Facebook, email, or a comment on this blog.