Dear Reader,
Since reengaging with the blog spot, I noted my creative output (post labeled prose) have been a more prominent component of these chronicles. Links are provided with each title (when scanning with your mouse).
The ode to Orange seems to have struck interests --highest ranking page view of all the “original” material.
The Hair Issue ranks second among the most viewed, irony strikes if many of you may recall the time when I had waist length hair and the devolution to the “shortening” of the coif.
Crossed Paths was a piece about youthful recollections. Perhaps, the arrival into middle age has given me time to remember memories that were created.
Regret, the most recent post, is one that I am perhaps most keenly in the midst of… Triple convergence of life events, swept me down and under, warranted its airing.
I am extending my appreciation to my readers who’ve brought me to over 1600 page views. It’s heartwarming knowing one has readers.