Friday, September 23, 2005

Sept. 24-26: End the War!/Kanye West

All Out Sept. 24-26: End the War!/Kanye West Was Right!

A dynamic weekend of antiwar activities will kick off 48 hours from now
with a giant march and rally in Washington, D.C. The September 24-26
actions can make a big difference. Discontent with Bush's Iraq policy,
and with appalling government priorities generally, is at record levels.

The antiwar movement has a chance to mobilize and influence millions.
Add your voice and your presence to all those going to D.C. or turning
out in other cities: END THE WAR ON IRAQ, BRING THEM HOME NOW, JUSTICE FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE GULF COAST! For complete information and for flyers and other resources to help build for September 24-26, go to

It is also an urgent time to step up support for vital humanitarian and
political initiatives in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. Take a look at
War Times/Tiempo de Guerras' statement "Katrina and The Antiwar
Movement: Lend Our Hand and Our Voice" at

We also want to share with you the important call below, "Kanye West Was Right.

Now Let's Do Something About It": see for full information.

War Times/Tiempo de Guerras is a fiscally sponsored project of the
Center for Third World Organizing. Donations to War Times are
tax-deductible; you can donate on-line at or send a check to War Times/Tiempo de Guerras, c/o P.O. Box 99096, Emeryville, CA 94662.

Thanks, peace, and please forward this e-mail to a friend!
The War Times/Tiempo de Guerras Staff

Kanye West Was Right. Now Let's Do Something About It.


When Kanye West said George Bush doesn't care about Black people, he
told the truth. You don't let people you "care about" linger on roof-tops
for days without a drop of water or scrap of food while you attend
fund-raisers. And you don't leave 20,000 people you "care about" stuffed in a sweltering stadium for nearly a week. If a hurricane hit Martha's Vineyard or Kennebunkport, you can bet Bush would have been there the next day.

But it's not only George Bush. The folks we saw on TV were left behind
a long time ago--by most politicians--because they don't have the money
or provide enough votes to demand their attention. And honestly, we
also left them behind. We're the folks who could have had their backs all
along, but we've done way too little to support and protect them. It's
shameful, but we can do something about it. And we will. Please join

As we know from history, when we stand together, we can change this
country. That's why we're writing. Our goal is to build a group of 250,000 Black folks and others who are willing to take a simple pledge: to protect those of us who are struggling at the margins, to make sure they're not left behind again, and to help them gain a political voice. The
question is whether enough of us care--and are willing to step up. We
believe so, and hope so.

When 250,000 committed African-Americans and our allies speak in a loud voice, it's hard to ignore. We will use the Internet and national media to put pressure on elected officials, to help everyone stay informed, and to empower all of us by creating a way to come together and take action.

By signing the pledge, you will help to create that new force--a
powerful community of hope and action that can start making a difference right away.

We'll begin by focusing on folks from New Orleans and the Gulf Coast
who've been displaced and making sure their interests are protected.
Those who have lost the most should be first in line for a chance to
rebuild their homes, their lives, and their communities. And they should be paid well for their work.

Unfortunately, Bush and his crew have already started to show their
true colors and whose side they're really on. They've given companies
involved in rebuilding special breaks so they can pay workers lower wages than normal. They've given Halliburton and other companies friendly to the Bush administration exclusive deals, preventing others from bidding.

And Bush has vowed to keep the tax breaks he gave to the richest 1% of
Americans. That means the money needed to pay for reconstruction will
likely come from cutting government services for those who already have the least.

It's time to start standing up for our people. With hard work and
coordinated efforts, 250,000 of us can make even George Bush act right. We will monitor and expose the reality of what he and other elected
officials do vs. what they say.

But first we think it's important to start from a place of integrity.
Before we demand anything of the government, we believe we need to look within and demand more of ourselves. For us, this has been a big
wake-up call. We need to check ourselves, admit that we've probably been doing less than we could, and vow to step up. After we do that, we can insist that the nation's leaders to do the same thing.

We will change the way this country deals with those left behind,
everywhere. It comes down to how many will join us by standing up and having their voices count. At this point, we need to know who's down. We hope that you are. And we hope that you will help spread the word out to
your family and friends. Click the link below to join us:

Together, we can change the balance of power in this country--and make sure what we saw on TV, we never see again.

Thank you,
James Rucker & Van Jones
National Coordinators,

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